Q. How do I check the details of a beneficiary registered with NBOCWWB?
A : You can check the details of a beneficiary from this link or by navigating to SERVICES > Beneficiary Verification . Please follow the instructions provided in the beneficiary verification page. You can search for a beneficiary using either the registration number or aadhaar number.
Q. What is my registration number?
A : You can find your registration number in the ID card issued by NBOCWWB. You will also receive your registration number on the mobile number you enter in Form XXVII (application of beneficiary registration) during registration with NBOCWWB.
Q. How do I make online cess payment?
A : To make online cess payment, first you have to register from this link. Once successfully registered, you can make payemnt from the cess section.
Q. How do I check my cess payment status?
A : You can check your cess payment status from this link or by navigating to SERVICES > Cess Payment Status and entering the transaction id in the search from.
Q. How will I know my cess payment transaction id?
A : Transaction id will be sent to your registered mobile number after successful payment.
Q. Where will I download my cess payment receipt?
A : You can download you cess payment receipt from this link or by navigating to SERVICES > Cess Payment Status and entering the transaction id in the search form. If you have entered a valid transaction id, you will be able to see the full details of the payment, you will also see an option to download the receipt of the payment. The receipt is also sent to the email you enter in the payment form on successful payment. Kindly note that you can only download receipts for successful payments.
Q. I cannot find the download option for cess receipt even though I can view the payment details?
A : You can only download the reciept for payments with ‘success’ status.
Q. My cess payment failed but money has been deducted from my account. What do I do?
A : Once you initiate a payment, a transaction ID will be sent to the registered mobile number. Please contact NBOCWWB and provide them with the transaction id for further assistance.
Q. Where can I find the contact details of CSC (Common Service Centers)?
A : Use this link CSC Contacts